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168飞艇正规查询官网平台-幸运飞行艇官方开奖现场直播,飞艇全国统一开奖数据 Features
We need strategic national direction to achieve a single, holistic view of people’s health information
Adopting PRSB’s information standard to support person-centred care planning would be a ‘pragmatic’ step in the right direction for trusts, integrated care systems and suppliers. By Dr Nilesh Bharakhada
Three ways NHS trusts can get ahead of patient demand
If we do more of the same, waiting list numbers will continue to rise. Reducing unnecessary appointments is essential, writes Accurx’s Jacob Haddad
Case Studies & White Papers
Is the Federated Data Platform too expensive to cancel?
Sticking with a hugely expensive plan to develop a ‘mythical beast’ of a fighter plane in the 1960s did not end well for the government of the day. The Federated Data Platform may be similarly doomed, writes Joe McDonald
Feature 6
AI revolution must respect patients’ right to consent
Safeguards to ensure patient data is handled ethically are essential, writes Proximie’s Nadine Hachach-Haram, a speaker at next month’s Digital Health’s AI & Data event.