9 February 2023
17:00 - 18:00
Caroline Morton, Nicholas Devito, Jessica Morley, Iain Dillingham, Anna Schultze, Sebastian Bacon, Peter Inglesby, Steven Maude and Ben Goldacre
Join Caroline Morton, formerly from the University of Oxford, in discussion with Katie MacLure (BCS Health & Care Scotland) for our next live BCS BMJ HCI Journal Club hosted by Digital Health.
This journal club is based on a paper entitled, ‘Software development skills for health data researchers’.
Health data researchers are increasingly required to develop complex analytic code in order to implement sophisticated analyses on large health datasets. While writing analysis scripts for academic projects is distinct from general purpose software development, they share many of the same features. A researcher’s script usually consists of a sequence of commands executed by a computer to extract, reshape, clean, describe and analyse data. If the quality of this analytic code cannot be reasonably assured, then results cannot be trusted: programming errors have resulted in high profile retractions. Similarly, if lengthy scripts for data management cannot be re-used, then work is needlessly duplicated.
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