The latest Digital Health Unplugged is now live – this time debating the topic of patient consent and data sharing in health.

In May, it was announced that a new primary care data collection service called General Practice Data for Planning and Research (GPDPR) would be introduced to give planners and researchers faster access to pseudonymised patient information.

An implementation date of July 1 was set, with people given until June 23 to opt out. However, after concerns were raised that this was not enough time to inform patients, the date was moved to September 1.

Our panel discussed whether this new deadline would be enough time to inform patients about the programme; give them the right information about the benefits of data sharing; and what should happen next.

In this episode you’ll hear from:

  • Phil Booth, coordinator, MedConfedential
  • Osman Bhatti, east London GP
  • Anne Marie Cunningham, GP in Wales and CCIO Network member
  • Andrea Downey, senior reporter, Digital Health

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