Comments on: E-mail shows NHSE backtracking on dedicated digital workforce plan News | Networks | Intelligence Wed, 23 Aug 2023 15:47:04 +0000 hourly 1 By: David Newey Wed, 23 Aug 2023 15:47:04 +0000 It’s omission was glaring to anyone who works within digital. The fact that digital skills are in such shortage, and the disparity between the NHS and commercial sector in terms of pay shows time and again that Agenda for Change (AFC) is not fit for purpose for digital roles.

Furthermore the fact that the centre is pressing Trusts to make savings, whilst demanding more of its digital teams is resulting in staff reductions and increase in use of agency workers, again all counter-productive, and myopic.

Without true leadership in the field of DDaT recruitment and retention, we will continue to bleed experienced staff whilst greater demands on IT are made by SoS’s who see digital as the silver bullet to achieve election pledges. It’s genuinely a remarkable state of affairs.
