Comments on: ‘NHS staff just want tech that works’ News | Networks | Intelligence Fri, 11 Aug 2023 15:14:02 +0000 hourly 1 By: A System CIO Fri, 11 Aug 2023 15:14:02 +0000 100% agree with the comment @16:46. Big tech holding the NHS to ransom dilutes the effectiveness of delivery when we have chronic underinvestment in NHS IT and Digital. We currently fund IT at approx 1-2% of system budgets. Commercial sector businesses are at 15-20%. Until systems see the value of investment and the big tech companies like these stop ripping the NHS off, I’m afraid this will continue to be the case.

By: Felim Fri, 11 Aug 2023 14:33:26 +0000 Even before you look at the ‘digital’ needs/wants of the NHS staff, there is a pressing need to look at the processes involved in administering and documenting care.
Streamlining and standardising these processes would not only free staff time but would also improve patient satisfaction and shorten both journey times through the system and dramatically reduce the number of hand-offs which patient experience.
Then there is the lack of interoperability between numerous systems which is outside of the control of IT departments and which the Government seems completely uninterested in solving through contract stipulations.
Get those things sorted then you can start to target IT.
Happy as always to engage with change and transformation but understand that it is People-Process and then Transformation before you implement software or tech solutions.

By: HOIAD Camisl Thu, 10 Aug 2023 15:46:13 +0000 It’s all very well stating this though how many people are aware that it is companies like BT that are contributing to the issues with high transactional and project costs.

Slow connectivity, ability to respond timely and effectively and speed to deliver are all in my opinion, what I see day in and day out working with companies like BT that are involved in too many sectors without being scaled and agile enough themselves to really address these issues. If you know how staff feel in the NHS, BT, what are you actually doing about it?
