Comments on: Report says government must address failures in digital transformation News | Networks | Intelligence Mon, 03 Jul 2023 10:38:13 +0000 hourly 1 By: NHS CIO Mon, 03 Jul 2023 10:38:13 +0000 Digital Transformation should not be delivered piecemeal. The procurements only asking for MDF will get inferior products that are being replaced elsewhere from those Trusts that have a bigger vision.
This is transformation, not bits and bobs of change.

By: Dave Kelsall Fri, 30 Jun 2023 09:27:37 +0000 This report seems like a breath of fresh air – let’s hope someone in authority acts upon it and asks why 20% of NHS organisations still don’t have an EPR.
As an independent contractor, I’ve worked with several of them and they shared one frustration which was the amount of time and effort expended on bidding for central fundng over the past ten to fifteen years, only for their business case to be rejected time and again. Trusts struggling for financial survival need to be digitalised more than anyone else but in general have no local capital as it is all committed to maintaining their ageing buildings and estates. Often they can’t afford the capital charges levied against centrally funded capital grants and are stuck in a Catch 22 dilemma.
As a former NHS CIO, I know how heavily the AfC dice have been loaded since 2004 against being able to justify paying market rates to highly technically quailified IT professionals. The NHS has trained up thousands of people at great expense over the past 19 years but has been unable to retain many of them as their skills and newly obtained qualifications are valued much more highly outside the NHS.
