Comments on: Patient portals: How to open the digital front door to better NHS care News | Networks | Intelligence Mon, 17 Jul 2023 21:10:25 +0000 hourly 1 By: John Farenden Mon, 17 Jul 2023 21:10:25 +0000 So I wonder whether this is truly patient-centric ?

Of course there are good examples “within-organisation” such as the endoscopy pre-assessment described by Bruno, but where patient journeys span multiple providers do we really think separate provider based portals are the strategic way forwards ?

My late mother-in-law engaged with 24 different providers of health and care services in her last 12 months, 5 of them NHS Trusts and across two ICS systems. Separate portals for each ? No thank you. Yes it is a step forwards but maybe it’s not being ambitious enough. While Bruno sets out a good case from the Trust perspective I wonder whether anyone asked patients what they really want ?
