Comments on: NHS overhaul: ‘Real opportunity’ for digital leaders to shape the future News | Networks | Intelligence Mon, 22 Feb 2021 11:41:54 +0000 hourly 1 By: Richard Sarson Mon, 22 Feb 2021 11:41:54 +0000 Ah, but do the current digital leaders have the right background to push the NHS kicking and screaming into an”integrated systems’ future? This future implies that hospital,s GPs, social care, pharmacies etc talk to each other digitally and seamlessly. But the current generation of “leaders” have grown up in a siloed, bottom-up world where IT stops at the hospital gates. Culturally, few of them have ever integrated anything, or implemented digital standards across a wide area. OK, they may have written worthy articles saying that, INEROPERABILITY IS A GOOD THING, but they have never actually done it.

(As far as I can see, only one person has done it, Joe McDonald, and he has gone and retired, just when his country needs him most!)

As an elderly patient ,being treated for multiple co-morbidities, I see no evidence from the bits of the NHS which treat me that they take integration seriously or even desirable.
