Comments on: Matthew Swindells takes on new role as advisor for Written Medicine News | Networks | Intelligence Mon, 05 Jul 2021 08:58:45 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jim Wed, 05 May 2021 11:09:28 +0000 Its great to see Written Medicine getting this kind of recognition and support, a true innovation with an immediate need that has to be addressed across all arenas of healthcare delivery. Interesting that Swindells says ‘in a few years it will be unacceptable’ it ought to unacceptable now.

The, ‘be nice to a pharmacist for they can easily kill you’ rings never truer if the patient can’t see, read or understand the directions of the prescription or guidance.

What if community pharmacy in the UK were the first to adopt this type of solution and make it work, you have to wonder what the consequential savings would be of this.

Well done Matthew Swindells for backing this team. Come on now community pharmacists get behind it too…
