Comments on: Clinicians are the best innovators in digital health News | Networks | Intelligence Fri, 01 Sep 2023 08:20:24 +0000 hourly 1 By: Tim Benson Fri, 01 Sep 2023 08:20:24 +0000 Always keep in mind Everett Rogers’ Innovativeness Specrum., which says that in any group of people (eg a committee) we have about 3% Innovators, 14% Early Adopers, 67% Early and Late Majority and 16% Laggards. This meens that 84% are unlikely to back any innovation until it is well established. This is a real challenge for the way yjat the NHS is run.

By: David C Tue, 22 Aug 2023 10:23:05 +0000 This quote is awesome,

“Digital health is the future of healthcare and therefore we need more clinicians to be involved in end user-centred design of digital workflows. We should learn from other healthcare organisations globally, where implementation of electronic health records has led to increasing clinician burnout. Such unintended consequences can be avoided by ensuring clinical leaders play a key role in digital system design.”

…but is not new either and whilst all of the concepts here are laudable and what we should collectively be trying to achieve we need support from somewhere to make this come true as we keep having these amazing moments of insight and then not finding the right ways to support them.

I seem to remember a slide deck at a summer school in Leeds that talked about ‘Death of the expert and rise of the collaborative sensemaker’… that was maybe four years ago and yet here we still are.

Time for significant support to make this come true.
