Comments on: Why mobilised data is the most valuable tool in healthcare News | Networks | Intelligence Fri, 09 Sep 2022 14:01:21 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mike Singer Fri, 09 Sep 2022 14:01:21 +0000 Martin, you are right, shared data could massively improve care. But how do you convince the big healthcare corporates who have an unspoken vested interest in not sharing?
The NHS have been promoting sharing for many years with very limited success. What if the NHS just refused to buy from companies not willing to genuinely share appropriate data?
Thanks for a really incisive article.

By: Martin Farrier Thu, 25 Aug 2022 18:52:43 +0000 In reply to Constantin Jabarin.

I think that most clinicians already do – they want to complete audit etc. But, they find that the output tools from EPR aren’t up to much and tend to head toward manual data collection.
Oddly, I think the tipping point is when EPRs are cloud based and AI is able to access and process data. Suddenly there is the capacity to make what is broadly analogue unsearchable data into true digital data. I think the AI robots will also assist the inputting of data in true digital terms to assist the process.
I dont think we are waiting for clinicians.

By: Martin Farrier Thu, 25 Aug 2022 18:50:50 +0000 I think that most clinicians already do – they want to complete audit etc. But, they find that the output tools from EPR aren’t up to much and tend to head toward manual data collection.
Oddly, I think the tipping point is when EPRs are cloud based and AI is able to access and process data. Suddenly there is the capacity to make what is broadly analogue unsearchable data into true digital data. I think the AI robots will also assist the inputting of data in true digital terms to assist the process.
I dont think we are waiting for clinicians.

By: Constantin Jabarin Thu, 25 Aug 2022 13:59:42 +0000 Great article Martin, fantastic points focusing on the data story pre, during and post pandemic. A question from one clinician to another…how far are we from the tipping point regarding the acceptance (by the majority of clinical staff) of tools such as EPR’s in being seen as a data source or collection tool rather than the destination?

By: Martin Farrier Tue, 23 Aug 2022 19:37:57 +0000 In reply to Steve Marriott.

Nice use of data. The potential uses are almost endless. However, we need to get good at what works.
For us, the prediction of how long a patient will stay in hospital hasn’t been effective in terms of changing outcomes. The difficulty for us has been that the prediction of the future is based merely on the past. It worked well for A/E attendances, less well for ward discharges. If we dont flex our services to change the future, then predicting it didnt help us.

By: Steve Marriott Tue, 23 Aug 2022 15:12:30 +0000 Nottingham University Hospitals and PA Consulting have taken the mobilisation of data a step further, using retrospective and real-time data from Nervecentre and prospective analytics to predict the length of stay for all patients at the point of their admission, accurately forecasting bed usage weeks in advance
