•  24 January 2018
     09:00 - 17:00
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  • Event Details

    Date: Wednesday, 24 January 2018
    Time: 09:00 – 16:10
    Venue: Chandos House, 2 Queen Anne Street, London, W1G 9LQ

    Cost: Free to all public or charity employees, providing health and care services

    This one-day conference will provide senior healthcare leaders, including CCIOs, CIOs and other decision makers, with referenceable insight from the NHS and partners into how to successfully deploy cloud based services in UK healthcare.

    Featuring case studies from the NHS, Welcome Trust and digital health start-ups, the summit will provide delegates with the latest commercial, clinical and technical insights from the industry’s thought leaders, and practical insights for delegates to take back to their organisations.

    Event Slides

    Who attended?

    Comprising of NHS and health sector digital leaders from across the UK health sector interested in better understanding how to effectively apply cloud-based computing and associated business models across different parts of UK healthcare.

    Attendee job titles include; NHS trust and CCG CIOs and CCIOs, IT directors, finance directors, modernisation leads, STP digital leads, network and IT infrastructure managers, procurement managers and IT professionals working across the health service. In addition to NHS providers and commissioners, the event will also include leaders from national agencies.

    The Digital Health Cloud Summit will be capped between 60-100 delegates, enabling sponsors and delegates to fully benefit from networking and interactive Q&A sessions.

  • Programme, 24 January 2018

    09:00 – 09:25 Registration and arrival refreshments
    09:25 – 09:30 Introduction by chair & opening remarks by conference chair

    Cleveland Henry, programme director – Digital Collaboration Service, Innovations & Digital Futures, NHS Digital

    Cleveland, who will be chairing the Summit, led the migration of NHS Choices into the Cloud and now heads up the Digital Collaboration Service, including NHSmail2

    09:30 – 09:50 Opening keynote: Benefits of utilising cloud

    Shaun Fletcher, chief technical architect, NHS Digital

    Shaun will discuss NHS Digital’s approach and current thinking on how they have and will utilise the cloud, outline some of the key challenges and how they are overcoming these through a platform strategy. 

    09:50 – 10:20 Using cloud to enable an interoperability agenda

    Iain Patterson, chief digital officer UKCloud

    Ben Barling, director of business development, Cimar

    UKCloud Health will discuss how cloud can help to enable a local or regional interoperability agenda. Hear from expert technology vendors who are delivering cloud-based interoperability solutions for clinical data and medical imaging to deliver better patient outcomes. Learn about how these cloud technologies will also improve an organisations’ ROI and help meet the challenges faced around cyber security.

    10:20 – 10:50 Our journey onto the cloud – NHS case study

    Joanna Smith, CIO Royal Brompton NHS Trust

    After Joanna Smith joined the Royal Brompton and Harefield NHS Foundation Trust, she began a project to move the trust’s IT infrastructure onto the cloud. Now, two years on, she will share the history of the trust’s cloud migration – the decision to move to the cloud, the technical and cultural challenges, and their plans for the future.

    10:50 – 11.10 Refreshment break
    11:10 – 11:40 Adopting Cloud: the experience across the UK Public Sector and NHS

    Adam Donnelly, Head of Cloud Services, Kainos

    Colin Trusdale, Product Marketing Manager, Kainos Evolve

    Adam and Colin will describe the journey taken by many areas of the UK Public Sector where cloud adoption is now mainstream and how NHS organisations are benefiting from this experience. They will touch upon the lessons learned that will help the NHS safely adopt cloud computing, navigate the pitfalls and reap the benefits of cloud for healthcare.

    11:40 – 12:10 Cloud case study – moving to infrastructure as a service

    Christine Walters, Director of Informatics, St Helens and Knowsley Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust

    12:10 – 12:40 Genomics England case study

    David Brown, Genomics England

    Genomics England will outline how that have harnessed the Cloud to enable it to meet the challenge of delivering the 100,000 Genomes project.

    12:40 – 13:40 Networking lunch
    13:40 – 14:10 Digital Health presentation

    Tara Athanasiou, director of research & Karl Grundy, director, Digital Health

    Tara and Karl will jointly present key excerpts of Digital Health Intelligence’s latest market intelligence data and analysis on trust’s current and planned adoption of cloud-based services and applications.

    14:10 – 14:40 Andy Harris, chief technology officer, Osirium

    Speaking on security issues in utilising the cloud, Andy will; look at why cyber security and authentication methods place high cognitive loads on NHS staff and how solutions can help alleviate the load.

    14:40 – 15:10 NHS Cloud Case Study: South London and Maudsley’s lessons learned and experience of developing cloud capabilities

    Stephen Docherty, CIO, South London and Maudsley NHS Trust & Chair of London CIO Council

    SLaM has been a pioneer in migrating to cloud based applications. Stephen’s session will explore the culture change needed to help your team embrace the cloud. Stephen will detail how SLaM developed Business Intelligence and Personal Health Record (PHR) in Azure and its benefits, and explain why platforms are the way forward.

    15:10 – 15:30 Refreshment break
    15:30 – 16:00 Round up Panel debate

    Have your chance to ask all our speakers from today’s event your questions and concerns on the implementations issues you face.

    Chaired by – Cleveland Henry, programme directorDigital Collaboration Service, Innovations & Digital Futures, NHS Digital

    Andy Harris, chief technology officer, Osirium

    Joanna Smith, CIO Royal Brompton NHS Trust

    Iain Patterson, chief digital officer UKCloud

    Stephen Docherty, chief information officer, South London and Maudsley NHS Trust & Chair of London CIO Council

    ·Shaun Fletcher, chief technical architect, NHS Digital

    Adam Donnelly, Head of Cloud Services, Kainos

    16:00 – 16:05 Chair’s round up
    16:05 Conference closed

  • Conference Chair

    Cleveland Henry, Digital Collaboration Service, Innovations & Digital Futures, NHS Digital

    Cleveland Henry has a foot in both the current and the future of digital Health, having recently commenced NHS Digital’s horizon scanning in assessing future digital opportunities and their potential links to supporting today’s challenges.

    He has lead NHSmail2 (Digital Collaboration Service – one of the Paperless 2020 programmes) which replaced the legacy platform from 2016. The service is used by c.1million users across Health and Care, providing secure email and additional digital collaboration capability.

    From 2014 he led the delivery of NHS Choices for NHS Digital, having previously being part of the Capita service delivery for the service prior it moving to NHS Digital. NHS Choices helps the public to take control of their healthcare by providing a wide range of information on health, services and lifestyle choices.

    In an IT career spanning 25 years, Cleveland started out as a programmer for a GP System supplier before holding a number of Senior IT Service and Product Delivery roles. He was Service Operations Director at EMIS where he led a team of 265 staff before joining Capita as the Service Delivery Director for NHS Choices. Cleveland is passionate about IT and Health and maintains a frontline perspective thanks to his wife who holds a senior role in a large NHS Trust.


    Joanna Smith, chief information officer, Royal Brompton & Harefield NHS Foundation Trust

    Joanna started her career in the global pharmaceutical industry with international roles at Roche and Takeda.

    In her current role as CIO for the Royal Brompton & Harefield NHS Foundation Trust, she is leading the organisation through a major transformation programme with significant investment in new systems and technologies. Comprising a complete overhaul of the IT and telecoms infrastructure, VOIP and migration to the Cloud.

    Leading in the introduction of major new clinical solutions she is helping to digitise patient case notes, replacement current patient administration system and working on a new electronic prescribing and medicines administration solution.

    Royal Brompton & Harefield NHS Foundation Trust is the UK’s largest specialist heart and lung centre, is based in Chelsea, West London and Harefield, Middlesex.  It is Europe’s top-ranked respiratory research centre and the cardiac, cardiovascular and critical care teams are rated in the top three most highly-cited health research teams in Europe.  The hospital is Europe’s largest unit for the treatment of cystic fibrosis, dealing with over 650 adults and 300 children with this condition. The Trust is also the country’s largest centre for the treatment of adult congenital heart disease.

    Stephen Docherty, chief information officer, South London and Maudsley NHS Trust & Chair of London CIO Council

    Stephen joined the NHS in 2014, taking on the role of Chief Information Officer for South London and Maudsley NHS Trust, having a technology background in digital marketing, the games industry, and high-tech manufacturing.

    Having led the Trust’s transformation of IT service provision, Stephen’s current focus is on developing and executing SLaM’s future digital strategy and transforming the workforce, whilst providing real-world digital interventions in mental health and beyond through the Centre for Translational Informatics. South London & Maudsley is London’s global digital exemplar (GDE) for mental health services.

    Stephen was voted no.39 in the UK CIO 100 most influential CIOs in April 2017, and in November 2016 was nominated as Chair of the London CIO Council for health providers across the capital.

    Adam Donnelly, Head of Cloud Services, Kainos

    Kainos provides digital platforms and services for Health, Central Government and Financial Services organisations. Adam joined Kainos 16 years ago, working in infrastructure and service management. Since 2014 he has led Kainos’s Cloud Services business, which helps organisations use cloud technology to drive better results.

    Adam works in close partnership with Microsoft Azure, particularly in the NHS. He will describe the practical experience of programmes in other parts of the public sector where cloud adoption is now mainstream, and how NHS Trusts can benefit from the lessons learned in these areas, to grow confidence in their own cloud adoption.

    Colin Truesdale – Product Marketing Manager, Kainos Evolve

    Kainos Evolve, part of Kainos Group, provides Digital Maturity and Care Pathway Automation solutions to healthcare organisations.

    Colin joined Kainos 10 years ago and has spent that time working with healthcare organisations to transform their care through better management of information and collaboration.


    Andy Harris, chief technology officer, Osirium

    Andy has over 25 years experience inventing and building unique IT networking and security products.
    In a long and distinguished career including being Technical Director at Integralis, Andy has invented many leading-edge technologies including IP Network Translation Gateway, Print Symbiont Technologies for LAN-based printers and Disaster Master, a technique of continuously updating a backup site with mirrored data.

    As one of the Co-Founders and CTO of MIMEsweeper, Andy was the creator of the world’s first content security solution which became the default product in its space.
    Andy went on to start WebBrick Systems which was one of the pioneering Home Automation technologies, also a forerunner to what we know as IOT devices today.
    Whilst serving as the companies Engineering Director, Andy has created and patented several core components in the Osirium product family.

    Iain Patterson, Chief Digital Officer, UKCloud

    Iain joined UKCloud earlier this year, with 20 years’ CIO experience and having previously led many key IT transformation including for GDS, the DVLA and Post Office.

    Prior to joining UKCloud Iain was Director of Common Technology Services at Government Digital Service (GDS) and responsible for working with government departments to provide the right technology that helps the public sector deliver great services.
    Iain was seconded to DVLA in 2013, where he was Chief Technology Officer, leading their digital transformation. This included making the Tax Disc Digital and successfully exiting a 12-year outsourced IT contract bringing both the responsibility and capability for managing the IT back in house.
    Iain joined UKCloud as Chief Digital Officer and is helping with a review of UKCloud’s technical platform and operations, its product propositions and external messaging.

    @iainpattersonUK, ipatterson@ukcloud.com

    Ben Barling, Director of Business Development, Cimar

    Ben has been in radiology for over 17 years, with 10 years’ experience as a clinical radiographer at multiple leading hospitals around the world, and the past 7 years in commercial roles at Siemens, Telemedicine Clinic and now Cimar UK. He has a passion for patient care and the role that cutting edge technology allows for higher quality and higher volume of diagnosis and treatment, with increased efficiencies and reduced costs.


    David Brown, Head of Informatics Infrastructure, Genomics England

    David has worked in the research and commercial areas of the pharmaceutical industry for over 25 years. Much of this work has involved the implementation of technology to address specific business problems in research, clinical and manufacturing. David currently works as the Head of Informatics Infrastructure at Genomics England.



    Christine Walters, Director of Informatics, St Helens & Knowsley Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust

    Christine was appointed to her board-level role at the end of September 2015, managing a shared informatics service that provides technology to a range of organisations, including two hospitals, a mental health trust, GP practices and local councils.

    Starting her career in the private sector, Christine, who originally trained as a computer programmer, moved to the NHS and spent several years in IT leadership roles before moving on to St Helens & Knowsley Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust. Her overall responsibility is to lead and develop an effective healthinformatics service, which supports over 14,000 users across 155 sites.



  • Venue – Chandos House, 2 Queen Anne Street, London, W1G 9LQ


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