The NHS in England has made a significant investment in shared care records and the transformation directorate is currently working on a roadmap for further development. How much more can these technologies offer to health systems under huge pressure?

In June 2023 Orion Health, a leading provider of the technology platforms that underpin these records, and of apps that support new care pathways and patient engagement, organised a roundtable to discuss their role in addressing current NHS challenges and supporting its longer-term ambitions to develop more integrated, more personalised care for patients.

A panel drawn from NHS England and Orion Health customers, argued the immediate priorities are to add new datasets to SCRs, to extend their use, and to start engaging patients. In the longer term, SCRs have huge potential to underpin new models of care, create digital front doors, and support research and analysis.

Digital technologies can play a key role in helping to shift the focus of the system from illness to promoting health, while giving patients and their carers more control. A particular priority, the panel agreed, is adding end of life care information to the SCR. The ability to record a person’s wishes in the SCR system was described as “a wonderful thing”.

Derbyshire has become the first SCR in England to sign up for an end of life module from Orion Health.

Read the full case study here

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