28 June 2023
12:30 - 13:30
As Integrated Care Systems start to materialise across the NHS, IT departments are working to bring new colleagues from different organisations together. Now is an ideal time to look for ways to deliver quick wins to prove the new collaboration concept, while supporting a health and care system under tremendous pressures.
As The King’s Fund notes: “The main purpose of the Health and Care Act is to establish a legislative framework that supports collaboration and partnership-working to integrate services for patients.”
Join this webinar where speakers from the NHS and Imprivata’s Andy Wilcox and Daniel Johnston will guide you through what should come next for ICSs?
The webinar will cover:
• Example quick wins from ICB/ICS collaboration projects
• The opportunity for standardisation and improved buying power
• Practical ways to make it easier for clinicians to deliver great healthcare
• How to build a holistic digital identity strategy for your ICS
The team will bring examples from the frontline on how to approach digital maturity within an ICS and how to achieve fast results.
Participants will be invited to assess their digital maturity using Imprivata’s new digital identity maturity assessment tool.
Linda Vernon, Interim Head of Digital Empowerment, Lancashire & South Cumbria Integrated Care Board
An Advanced Physiotherapy Practitioner by background, Linda Vernon is interim Head of Digital Empowerment at Lancashire & South Cumbria Integrated Care Board.
Passionate about how technology can empower individuals, communities & our workforce to thrive, and the principles of user-centred design & co-production, Linda leads the digital programmes around digital inclusion, patient engagement portal, social prescribing and digital personalised care across Lancashire & South Cumbria – as well as providing clinical leadership to the wider digital portfolio.
Linda enjoys climbing fells in the Lake District, playing guitar, ukulele and singing, and believes the health of the planet and her inhabitants are mutually dependant.
Ian Hogan, Associate Director of Digitally Integrated Care, Chief Information Officer, Northern care Alliance NHS Foundation Trust
Andy Wilcox, Senior Solutions Marketing Manager
Andy Wilcox, Senior Solutions Marketing Manager, Imprivata is an experienced professional with over 17 years of experience managing and developing healthcare technology products and services for international healthcare markets. Based in the UK, Andy has held a range of Product Marketing, Product Management, and Business Development positions in industry-leading healthcare technology companies in the UK, driving customer growth and adoption in markets across EMEA and APAC.
Daniel Johnston, MRes, RN, Senior Clinical Workflow Specialist
Johnston is the Senior Clinical Workflow Specialist and Clinical Safety Officer at Imprivata.
Daniel has assumed a range of leadership roles in emergency care provision in both clinical and R&D positions in NHS, Harvard University Hospitals and Health IT industry.