•  30 June 2021
     12:30 - 13:30

Over a year into what has become the most rapid period of digital transformation the NHS has seen, it’s important that we reflect on what has worked well and what can be built on.
Digital solutions have been implemented at discrete points of care, but as we move further through the pandemic and toward Integrated Care Systems, how can we use digital technologies to support this transition and fully reimagine care pathways? Where can we look for insight?

The Swedish healthcare system operates on an integrated model and has been a leader in digital health. Join this webinar to hear from practitioners and digital health leaders from Sweden and the UK to examine what fully digitised and integrated care pathways can really look like and what we need to do to ensure that is possible in the NHS.

Peter Adolfsson
Paediatrician and Head of Paediatric Diabetes Operations
Swedish Region Halland

Tina Marshall              
UK Country Manager
Visiba Care

Liz Perraudin
Senior Policy Officer
Diabetes UK

Andrea Downey
Senior Reporter
Digital Health


Further information on this topic ……
Region Halland: Improved diabetes care at a lower cost. Read and watch Peter’s interview here:  https://bit.ly/3w7vVBy

Read: “Almost half of patient-facing NHS employees now considering leaving” – a Census Wide survey commissioned by Visiba Care.